I love visiting schools and talking to students about stories, reading and how picture books are made! I've taken part in the Hong Kong Library Festival, the Hong Kong Young Readers' Festival and offer a range of face-to-face and virtual visits.
Please contact me for more information.

"We really enjoyed your talk! It was engaging and energetic. The [year 1 & 2] students felt involved the whole time. Your books are unique and speak to both children and adults."
Teacher Librarian
"Amazing! It was so interactive and engaging. It was pitched at just the right level."
Year 2 teacher
"Thank you so much for coming to our school. It was a massive success!"
English Department Coordinator
"Thank you Rachel for your wonderful visit! I was really interested when you talked about how refugees travel and where they stay. The Last Garden was one of the best picture books ever. The resurrection plant you gave us is blooming."
Year 4 Student
“Thanks again for coming to talk to us and for the additional resources! It was a great end to the students' unit on conflict and resolution.
We really enjoyed learning about your journey of creating this book through your notebook drafts, research, pictures, and Anneli's video. The visuals and facts you shared helped us to make real-world connections.
We really appreciate the stickers, poster cards, and books as well!”
School Librarian